Hi all, when trying to connect to the APM2 board the connection will run in a time out (No heartbeat received). The log screen shows repeatedly Mavlink Bad Packet <crc fail>. My communication settings are all correct since otherwise I probably wouldn't be able to upload firmware. I tried not only to re-load the firmware but also change it to other models...all without success. I tried with Win7 64bit as well as with 32bit operation system....no change. Of course I also tried re-setting and system re-booting, all without success. I also tried connecting using the CLI but the connection only shows strange symbols (see screen below) as if the serial settings were wrong but I am using 115200 bits/s, 8 data bits, parity=none, stop bits =1, flow control = none.


(Might this be really a hardware failure, or has anybody an idea what else I should try?



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  • Have the same problem. Also the board resets itself every time while booting.

    I have tried to compile the code myself and tested different baudrates as low to 9600bps. Notting changed.

    I also powered the board from outputs power rail.It still outpus the same.

    To unplug the sd card has no effect by the way.

    Any suggestions welcome.

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