Problem in firmware uploading for ArduIMU ver2

Hello All:

        I need an urgent help on the firmware uploading for ArduIMU ver2. The main problem is when I upload the firmware, Arduino shows "Uploading to the board", and nothing apprears then. And the arduIMU now is with RED & YELLOW LED constant ON after power-on. So wield.


        What I am doing is as follows:


         1. use DIY FTDI cable, connect the arduIMU and power on, confirm no GPS and magneto connected;


         2. use the latest Arduino 0018 version;


         3. confrim use the right usb port (com7 in my lattop) and check "Set RTS On Close";


         4. download arduIMU_v1.7, --> unzip to a folder "arduimu" (same as the main pde file);


         5. run Arduino 0018, confirm "Arduino Duemilanove w/ATmega328" and "com7";


         6. press the "Upload to I/O board" button.


         Done, wait for 20 mins, still "uploading to I/O board", then RED + YELLOW LED contant ON.


         Kindly help me out what is wrong about my process. Can I save my ArduIMU out?








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  • My IMU V2 is doing this all the time now. But in my case the green power stays lit as it should, and the yellow status light is on too. Even after the IMU resets when uploading the code, the green and yellow lights stay lit. In fact if I rotate the IMU quick enough the red light comes on saying I saturated the gyros. I'm stuck with version 1.5 for the time being I guess... lol

    I know the DIY FTDI cable is working and the FTDI drivers are working because I have been uploading code to my ARDUPilot today. hmmm...
  • I get that every once in a while. I will select Comm 6(in my case), then I need to unplug the FTDI Cable, and plug it back in. Then you need to wait until the IMU powers up completely(blinking led's and all, code loaded and running), then it should work... It usually does this to me after I am working with my Arduino...


  • Hi, I have the same problem. But if I load firmware 1.4 all works fine. Try that maybe?
  • Hello Doug:

    Many thx for your confirming, and sorry for the late reply due to time-zone difference.

    Now things become even a bit worse. I tried the same procedure on another desktop, based on another well-working ArduIMU ver2 in my hand. The uploading is quite fast now and after 30-40sec, it shows "done uploading". But the same thing happened. RED and Yellow LED constant on!

    I go back to the forum and found the airstart is set to 1 in the ArduIMU_17. So I change it to "0", and upload again. The LED works as follows: first all LED are blinking, then RED and Yellow are continuing blinking but with slower rate, lastly all LED are contantly OFF.

    Still need your help on suggestion to save my 2 * ArduIMU.

    Many thanks again.

  • Developer
    No need for an svn folder. I don't see anything wrong with your procedure. Are you able to upload to other Arduino boards with your setup?
  • Make up one point:

    The v1.7 pack only has the .pde files inside, but no .SVN folder. Is it compulsory for the arduino compiling?

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