problem with RTL ALTITUDE at 2.6 code

i don´t now, somebody wrote about this issue.i make a new post...

i use the 2.6 code with shield v2 and thermopiles.

problem wich i found is:

my RTL ALT. in the config tool i have set to 35 meters.if i fly manually around the home position and climb OVER approx 400 meter don´t work the rtl altitude wich i set in the config tool.

the engine goes to full power, the plane circle BUT it´s climbing to the space :-)  i descent the plane manually to 300m alt. then switched again to flying the ardu the plane around the home position WITHOUT engine and descent to 35 meter.

can somebody confirm that problem ?


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  • Developer
    Hi Olli,
    Located the issue, an int was being overrun in an equation giving out the wrong value. Pesky micro controllers...
    What was great was that it also functioned exactly the same in Xplane. so it was easy to reproduce and find the problem. Yea HIL!

  • jason, thanks ....

    it´s a horror for fpv people wich fly in high altitude.if he lost the video link and set to RTL he never see the plane again :-)
  • Developer
    I fixed a bug about saving the home location that might solve your issue. I'm about to release it, mostly bug free!
  • Developer
    2.6.2 will definitely have less bugs that 2.6. I don't know about that specific problem...
  • 3D Robotics
    Are you using the latest code (2.6.2)?
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