PX4 FMU Version ???

Hi Guys,

I would like to update the firmware of my Pixhawk that I want to use for a quad, but when I go to this web Page http://firmware.ardupilot.org/Copter/stable/PX4-quad/ I have to choose between 3 firmwares :

- ArduCopter-V1 which is a Firmware for the PX4FMU board

- ArduCopter-V2 which is a Firmware for the PX4FMUv2 board

- ArduCopter-V4 which is a Firmware for the PX4FMUv4 board

The problem is that I don't know how to find the version of my FMU.

Could you help me ? 



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  • V2
  • I have only updated firmware using mission planner.

    Download and install Mission Planner, connect to your Pixhawk with the USB, and follow the directions for updating the firmware.  You may want to click on the Beta tab to get the very most recent versions.  Mission Planner will only show relevant options for the FC that is attached. 

    • Thank you for responding

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