We've just set up a new quadcopter with a Pixhawk, v3.1.4 and took it out for a test flight yesterday. All parameters are default. New everything and fully charged new 4S batteries.
Stabilize and Alt_hold are great and with the throttle stick at 50% in both cases it keeps altitude fairly well,
As soon as I switch to Loiter the quad immediately starts descending slowly, 75% throttle is then required to maintain altitude but after about 30 seconds 75% throttle is no longer sufficient to maintain altitude and the quad starts to descend slowly again.
Switching back to Alt_hold at this point causes an immediate jump as the throttle stick is so high. Alt_hold's altitude hold is then fine when the throttle stick is brought back to 50%.
I've never seen this oddity before, does anyone have an idea of what could be causing it?
Does excess vibration affect only Loiter and not Alt_hold?
Here's the log:
2014-05-20 15-11-06.bin
Anyone have any idea why this is happening?