Question on quadcopter design...

I've been flying smaller "toy" quads for some time now and since I have a background in electronics & computers and love DIY projects I thought I would dive in and build by own.

I'm looking to build something that's flexable (aerial photography, way point flying etc) and with as much flight time as I can manage.

So far, this is what I'm thinking and would appreciate any help/thoughts/suggestions...

  • Tarot 650 Iron Man frame
  • (4) SunnySky V2216-13 650Kv motors
  • (4) Afro ESC 30A 
  • (4) 12x4.5 Carbon fiber props
  • FrSky X8R reciever
  • FrSky 2.4Ghz TARANIS X9D transmitter
  • HKPilot32 
  • HKPilot Transceiver Radio v2 set
  • Turnigy Neo-6M GPS with Compass
  • Mobius 1080p camera
  • Minim OSD MAVLink

And I was thinking of Turnigy nano-tech 6000mah 4S 25~50C Lipo

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  • Going from toy quads to a 650 mm motor to motor diameter is a big jump. If I was you I would gain experience flying something smaller before moving on to something that big. It would be a shame if you crashed the quad you are looking to build as it seems like a beautiful setup. I would recommend buying something in the 200 mm to 350 mm range as those toy quads won't feel anything like a 650.

    I would recommend the hobby king FPV250. It is only a 250 but will feel more like a real quad then the toy ones you have been flying. Plus it has an excellent frame to mount your Mobius too so you can get a feel for filming. Since it doesn't come with a flight controller you can practice using your Pixhawk clone on it, and get a feel for the autonomous aspects without having to risk an expensive quad. And you are doing a hobby king order anyways so might as well throw it in there.

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