Random precocious takeoff in LOITER mode

HI everyone,

I am using an APM2.5 with ArduCopter3.X. I am controlling the copter with my  laptop keyboard using a 3DR radio telemetry, MAVproxy and a DroneAPI code.
Every thing used to work fine, until the last test: normally I control my copter in LOITER mode, and I have noticed that the drone will start taking off when throttle reaches 1550 (this seems to be logic), but troubles started last time when I was increasing the throttle and the drone took off strangely at Throttle=1150!!!!
So I removed the propellers and retested with MAVproxy commands:


rc 3 1050

mode loiter

arm throttle

rc 3 1150

rc 3 1200

rc 3 1400

rc 3 1500

rc 3 1580



I have repeated this test several times but the results were extremely random:

the motors speed increases at 1150 or 1500 randomly!! I can't not figure out why this is  happening!

I reloaded a verified param file and got the same results.

Can anyone tell me please why  this is happening, and how to correct it.

Thank you,


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  • Takeoff and hover issues tend to happen when not taking-off in "STABILIZE" mode.  There are a couple commands that set the throttle mid-point based on copter weight (either manually or automatically).

    TRIM_THROTTLE will automatically calculate the hover mid-point when starting flight in "STABILIZE" mode (that's why it's recommended to do so).

    The other way to set throttle mid-point is through the THR_MID setting.  However, to determine this setting you must perform a hover in "STABILIZE" mode, then review your log file to see what the throttle percentage was to maintain a hover, then input this data to THR_MID.  When this setting is wrong, you will get really crazy throttle response in "non-stabilize" flight modes.  And if your copter weight changes, and you don't either first fly in STABILIZE mode, or don't have the right THR_MID setting, your throttle response will be wacky too.  I found this out through trial and error (and a couple erratic flights). Now my Pix flies as nice as my NAZA.

    See this link for more info:


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