I just start building a quadcopter recently. I am planning to put raspberry pi and APM 2.5 on the quadcopter.
The raspberry pi could take picture and send images through wireless network. in addition, the raspberry pi is connecting to the APM 2,5 using USB, Just wondering if there is any way I can retrieve information from APM 2.5 via the USB. For example, pitch, roll, yaw, and altitude. When raspberry pi gets these data, it can forward them to the remote machine.
Hello guys,
I am using Atom board with APM 2.5 onboard on a Hexacopter. I am using USB port to communicate between them. The mavlink is the communication protocol runs on the aerial vehicle over USB port (shayam it will answer your question). I have also used the 3DR radio for their communication but the baud-rate is slow (57600) as compare to wire USB connection (115200). The python code which is used for communication is available at http://code.google.com/p/roscopter/ (I am logging all the APM data in ROS-framework).
Hope this helps!
Also look at this:
"It works!! After sending the heart beat and requesting the data stream the ArduCopter started streaming the messages."
This one may help as well.
Found something sort of related to this topic:
Simple MAVLink to UART interface example for *nix systems
Have seem a similar post.