Unfortunately, I crashed my decked out Multiplex Cularis:

So, I liked it because (with work) you could put a lot of stuff inside and still have a clean airframe that could hopefully soar on a hot enough day (despite its heavy weight loading). Mine was about 2.1kg when it's meant to be around 1.6kg or so for soaring.

Either way, I liked the 7 channel config with crow flaps so that I could sink down quickly and land on a field that's not too long.

But, it was a pain in the ass to build. It's so not ARF when you have to very carefully assemble a fair amount of bits, and once you add all the careful cutting and fitting I had to do for all my FPV components, it was days of work.

On one side, rebuilding it will be faster the 2nd time since I have the experience, but while I'm currently building an X-UAV Talon, I cannot ignore how much nicer it is to have a plane that's much more assembled out of the box than the Cularis was. But the Talon is not a soaring plane or a glider, so I'd still like to have a glider too.

So, are there other big powered gliders that could be much easier to build and fit things inside than a Cularis, or should I stick with the Cularis?


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