The ultimate modeswitch for my FF6

As i was looking for a way to implement 6 Modes on my FF6 the only solution was to use the flaptrim channel (6) But as we all know you do not set a pot so easily at the right position. Some examples are available on this forum to use a switch channel to modify it to a 6 position switch channel. I had an other solution. The problem of a rotary switch is you will allways travel over some unwanted mode before reaching the desired mode. Lets say from mode 1 to 3 will take you past 2 for a moment. The second problem is the resistor problem. Hard to find the right values and be dead center on the desired PWM for each mode.


So i came up with the following solution.

I got me an interlocking 6 button switch.



Matching knobs:


Some (6) 10K trimming pots




some leds:



And not to forget 1 470 ohm resistor:



As the original Flaptrim pot in my FF6 is powered by 5Volts all plans come together.


The knob and pot of my FF6 are removed and a 3 lead wire is soldered in place.

Made a nice wooden box for my switch and did some soldering.

Below you can see the result.

The PWM values for my Mode channel can be set dead center by using the trimpots.

The leds give an extra visual clue in what  mode your in.




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  • Pieter,


    I'd like to implement what you have on one of my trim knob of the turnigy 9x transmitter. I have limited to no background in electronics so want to make sure I understand the concatenated image you posted of the circuit diagram before asking somebody to make it for me.

    If you can take a look at the image and confirm I interpreted it correctly, that will be great ... thanks.





  • Developer


    This is a good solution, certainly better than the 6 positions switch mod, i wanted to do the same thing, but after some thinking, i decided to modify the Arcopter Code, to allow for the solution proposed in this thread i've posted a couple days ago :


    The philosophy is : One button, one function.

    With this solution, you have only 4 switches to remember, and you can use default transmitter switches :


    - one  3 positions switch

    - three 2 positions switches


    The three position switch is selecting base mode (acro, stabilize, auto).

    The other two position switches are selecting helper functions : alt hold, yaw hold (simple), GPS hold / RTL


    Then it's easier to select the right mode, and add if necessary the right helper function. No more 6 positions pot or keyboard tansmitter modifications, no more complicated mixer between two channels, no more confusion selecting the right mode during flight.


    3692231106?profile=originalSimpler is always better, as soon as you do complex things, most of the time you will not be able to use them correctly during flight.


    Only drawback is that it is using 4 channels. But can be reduced to 3 channels with a mixer on two switches.



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