Hi Guys I'm hoping someone can shed some light on a problem I'm having with my ArduPlane project.I'm using the latest firmware on Pixhawk on a test plane of mine, and she's flying beautifully on auto, however when flying into a slightly stronger wind, the throttle is cut way down, and she eventually stalls and I have to take over.I'm using the 3dr airspeed sensor which seems to be working well. What I suspect is happening is that the airspeed sensor is measuring an airspeed of say 30m/s and the autopilot tries to reduce this to the 20m/s which was set for the mission and therefore reduces the throttle.I've had a look through the parameters and stall prevention is enabled. Also had a look at min throttle values. Is there a way to correlate the GS and the AS and avoid this throttle down situation, or maybe I'm missing something important ?If I can help in any way just let me know.ThanksNick
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Hi Chad, I eventually re-calibtared everything including my RCTransmitter, and things improved a lot.
I'm guessing it had something to do with the RC channels.
There is a good section in the ArduPlane manual on tuning the TECS speed controller.
I changed motors on a plane recently and the lower KV motor resulted in very poor speed control. Going through the TECS tuning fixed things right up.