I'm a newbie and trying to do SITL of ArduCopter. Here is the steps I follow:
1. I run ArduCopter.elf and get the following messeges:
Starting SITL input
Serial port 0 on TCP port 5760
Waiting for connection ....
2. I type mavproxy.py --master tcp: and get the followins:
Logging to mav.log
Init ArduCopter V2.5.5
Free RAM: 4096
FW Ver: 118
----------------------------MAV> ------------
load_all took 9us
Press ENTER 3 times for CLI
GUEU"d'`8EU3ising APM... ublox OK
U3STARTtU*U"d'`mInit GyroU<U"d'`*UU "d'`J*U3
kU"d'`*U\U"d'`*UoU"d'`?*UVXU"d'`O*U3ising APM...OUU"d'`1_*U.U"d'`*UoU"d'`&*UAU"d'`*UvU"d'`C
gyro did not converge: diff=0.191763 dps
G_off: 0.01, -0.01, -0.01
A_off: 0.00, 0.00, 0.00
The not understandable series of letters keep appearing.
3. I run the simulator by typing im_multicopter.py --home -35.362938,149.165085,584,270. Then I get
Simulating 4 motors for frame +
Starting at lat=-35.362938 lon=149.165085 alt=584.0 heading=270.0
As soon as I press the enter button, I see the following message on the above ArduCopter terminal:
cmd#: 0 id:16 op:0 p1:0 p2:0 p3:-35.3629379 p4:149.1650848
4. I type mavproxy.py --master tcp: --sitl and get the following prompt:
Logging to mav.log
I don't know what to do from here. I think I have to provide PWM to the motors but don't know how.
Thanks for your time reading the post.
You've made good progress!
The weird characters are MAVlink packets (ASCII "U" = 0x55, which is the "STX, start transmit" header of the MAVlink packet. )
So you're seeing MAVLink.
The sim-multicopter part is working correctly too. You should indeed see the response that sets the GPS home position (cmd#: 0 id:16 op:0 p1:0 p2:0 p3:-35.3629379 p4:149.1650848)
I think you have the command line for mavproxy incorrect. Instead of "--master tcp...." you need "--master=tcp:...."
Otherwise it ignores the tcp part and tries to connect to a serial TTY, then you see nothing happening ;-)
Once you fix that you can try these commands on mavproxy:
rc 4 2000 (set full right rudder). You should see "MOTORS ARMING" or something
rc 4 1500 (center rudder), you don't want to take off with full right rudder
rc 3 1400 (40% throttle), take off
After a second you should see:
height 10
height 20
height 30