Truth behind Erle-spider

First of all, I only want to write this becouse Víctor Mayoral deletes my coments in his crowfounding campain post. You are allow to write here, I'm not going to delete your comments.

I don't want to damage his campain, I only want to say all users the reality behind this becouse I think that could be interesting to know.

They said that they started their development in Janunary of 2015. And you can see a photographic of their first prototip but I don't know when they get it :

3691250774?profile=originalextract from:

They started his campain in september and publish their product:


They are obiusly inspired in the work that me and a friend develop, and that it is all that every one in open hardware development wants. Obviously, we are very happy that our design, publish in Febrery 2015, likes them:

antdroid-isometric-668x382.png?width=500We only want to respond Víctor Mayoral without problems of delete posts.

He wrote:

Hi Pando855,

Similarly as happened with other threads, I'm leaving here record of my answer to you since clearly your aim is to create damage (the previous comments have been removed). Truth to be told, I don't really know what's your aim by throwing incorrect information and lying. It sounds to me like the witespy case that happened a while ago. You've tried blackmailing us already through a few channels and I haven't answered you hoping that you'll understand that i don't want to loose time with folks like you. Here's what i think:

  • The Crab project was launched and announced by Ivan Biriuk (which you may not even know but is the guy that created the Crab project). We are in touch with Ivan and we are big fans of his work and even tried supporting it. This happened quite a while ago (2014) and several built on top. We did it and many labs did the same. 
    Just by looking at the code of your "Antdroid" and its dynamical model, I'd say you also did it. Having said that, if you still claim you've done it yourself,  you've made your first robot but reinvented the wheel when it comes to hexapods which to me, is quite foolish.
  • What's funny is that you've tried to license something that clearly was released by someone else and now you are seeking for similarities with other projects and trying to enforce them to release their sources. This is again foolish and you'll get people pissed (e.g.: me).
I'm sure you know little about open source because generally, and according to my experience, those that complain the most are the ones that understand the least. Erle Robotics hasn't built on top of anything produced by you and judging by your attitude, I doubt we ever will. 
I'd also ask you to be respectful with this work since its the output of many during several months.

- We know the Crab project and we love it too but we prefer to develop another kind of robot cheaper and without ROS dependency.

- I don't know what are you trying to say about our projects but we wrote every line of code and we did all the design by ourselfs. I know that you read our code, and I know that you don't use our code .

It is ok man, you can use the idea becouse it's free and it's here for you and for everybody. At the moment, we don't want to make money with it and we only want to say that your truth is not the truth for everybody.

PDT: we did this first too :

Good luck and I hope you publish a nice code that we could implement in our project and improve it :)

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  • There are more dirty practices of this untrustworthy company (besides deleting comments, misleading and being rude).
    The "Erle Brain 2" they are selling is actually Raspberry Pi 2 with a sensor board on top of it. They don't want to reveal it so they are hiding it inside a plastic case.
    All the specifications about the "Erle Brain 2" are just copied from the Raspberry Pi 2 datasheet.

    Here is the reason why they don't want to tell you what they are selling.

    Their first "Erle Brain" was a BeagleBone Black with a shield. They tried to sell the shield, but their campaign was unsuccessful:

    They developed the concept (the software) during Google Summer Of Code together with other people. But as they don't have exclusive rights, another team has built a similar shield for Raspberry Pi - "Navio" (a few months before them!) and their campaign was successful:

    With the release of Raspberry Pi 2, they realized that Navio+ is far more successful product, so they cloned it... they replaced BeagleBone with Raspberry Pi 2.

    They have hidden it in a plastic case, they agreed not to reveal the secret (that it is using Raspberry Pi 2 like Navio+) and now they call it Erle Brain 2.


    "Hi Johnatan, it's not using the BBB. It's based on our new brain."

    (What? It is based on a brain??)

    And it's even more expensive than Navio + Raspberry Pi 2. What a progress!

    It seems this is going to be their second unsuccessful Indiegogo campaign. Because of karma? :)

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