Using another sensors with ArduPilot Code (GY-80)

Hi guys, I have a couple of spare GY-80 lying around here (this is a chinese board with gyro, accel, magn and barometric sensors) and a Arduino Mega. With those I want to make my own ArduPilotMega :)

I have a computer science degree, so coding isn't a problem, but I don't want to recreate the wheel, is anyone used these sensors already with ArduPilot code  ?

ADXL345 (accelometer)

L3G4200D (gyro)

HMC5883L (magnetometer) - I found the code for this one on the libraries of Ardupilot

BMP085 (pressure) - found for this one too

Thanks from Brazil.

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  • Hi Felipe,

    I just came acrss your post, and I'm in the first steps of doing the same, I have the Arduino Mega 1280 and GY-80 and planning to get a quad flying later upgrade to Hex, have done the receiver readouts to the arduino, also read an analog compass(GY-61) for compensation (rather basic)

    some compensation of the output based on the Compass.

    and a kind of time controlled runtime to generate the motor PWM by using the normal DIO as the PWM outputs have wrong frequency.

    However not happy with the stability of the PWM so I'm also trying to build an external PWM generator based on a quad DAC and a PWM generator with setable frequency 4Hz-1MHz PWM 0-100% set by analog 0-1V(thats why I need the DAC :)

    so will hopefully be able to control the DAC's PWM more rarely freeing up CPU not having to watch the PWM loop all the time, and also having glithes of 4-16us not sure how much they will bother me though.

    would you be interested in some code sharing if you have undertaken this task already, and if so any progress?



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