Which UAV for extreme weather filiming?

Dont know diddly sqaut about UAVs but am just starting research to find the best UAV out there for filming HD material in bad weather conditions - storms etc. We are hoping to do a film using this and Ive been asked by a major broadcaster to try to find out whether such a thing is possible and if so what type of UAV we'd need to either buy or build. We have all this year to source such an aircraft. Your help would be much appreciated

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  • Moderator

    Yep it should be possible, perhaps with a chaos and jeopardy element as well. PM me and I would be pleased to help.

    To ensure success you will need more than one platform that's for sure but they should not cost more than $500 a pop. Depending on how heavy the HD cameras are. Go Pros easy anything else harder. (expensive)


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