XtreamBee Board at 5V tolerancy problem?

Hello, I've just been experimenting with xBee Pro on XtreamBee boards. While connected to FTDI (cca 3.6V) everything works perfectly. I've thought the board is 5V tolerant but after connecting to 5V powered Atmega8 board, the rx led stopped blinking and no data have been received. I've realized that when the TX pin is disconnected or pulled up to 3.3V, it works but after pulling-up to 5V the reception stops working. The transmitting works even with 5V signal levels. The easy solution would be a voltage divider (two resistors) but is it a common issue or am I doing something wrong?
Thanks in advance for your answers.

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  • Haii, i know this is an old post, but did you find a solution for this? I have the same problem. Did you use a voltage divider finally? The other wierd thing (while looking for the problem) if the adapter is powered with 5V(didnt try 3.3) and nothing else is connected(even xbee) the DI LED is on, and it is depending on some static electric... WTF?? Have you find a solution in the last two yers? :)

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