Horst Hörtner's Posts (2)

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Have to share this with you...

sorry for the late info... happened allready in september 2012...

but better now then never :-)


Hi all,

there is more back groundinfo http://www.aec.at/futurelab/en/referenzen/kategorie/kunst-am-bau/sp... (thanks Joshua!)

quick answer to some questions right away:

1) it's hummingbirds (Asctech http://www.asctec.de/uav-applications/research/products/asctec-humm...)

2) pure GPS and a very stable Autopilot (standard-Hummingbird with some minor tweaks)

3) communication: liard-modules 2,4GHz (telemetry and light)

communication protocols will change in the future, since the bandwidth at the time of the recording is fully used by this "alpha protocol" we've used there...

4) collision detection has been done on ground control (laptop) - no extra sensors/intelligence on board

5) we had to add some functionality to the hummingbirds - but auto-pilot and stability is "of the shelf" from Ascending (who's support was invaluable... big HUG to Daniel and his team @ Ascending!!)

I'll give a more detailed talk next week in Oslo (at the OLSO LUX-Festival)...

and we're (hopefully) flying a "version2" show in Australia this Summer - I'll keep you informed!

best regards!



...and a bit more of a making of

from 3d-max to Spaxels (space picture elements)

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Hi Everybody!

we're members of the Ars Electronica Futurelab  in Linz / Austria, trying to create a fantastic drone-event September 1st this year.

It's happening during the Ars Electronica Festival in Linz, with about 100.000 visitors.

We try to organize the biggest outdoor-drone-swarm ever, flying above the danube river...

Even more fun, we would love to do a diy-drone tinkerer workshop - an open lab in a huge tent at the park, where enthusiasts and newbies, experts and freestylers... would present their drones, exchanging experiences, holding lectures and panels and give hands-on-workshops to interessted visitors of all ages, and get them infected with the drone virus...

We are now starting to look for local drone-experts and aficionados - to start this endeavor.

 ... to make it a huge drone party here. 

Every help is very appreciated! Please spread the word - in order to find lot's of collabs and participants...

If you do know THE expert we have to talk with... please let us know! 

I'm quoting Chris Anderson here:

>Hi Horst,

>Nice to hear from you--this sounds very cool! We're a community site, so you should post your question, just as it is >below (but with a picture or two, please), as a blog post here for community response. I'm sure you'll get a great >response and many volunteers. 



Thank's Chris! I did!

And we do hope for reaction and hints... Also experiences with diy-meetings that already happened... What was good, what didn't realy work... loads of ambition is here already - and we want to see it happen!

hoping for response!

Horst Hörtner

P.S: The Video shows partly the area where it should happen (city of Linz). A goPro is hanging on a Hummingbird (Ascending Technologies) I know, that is not realy a diy-drone... but we had to start somewhere ;-)



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