MD Bucey's Discussions (3)

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Emulator craft in latvia

Anyone know how to get the emulator drones to not constantly be placed in Latvia? I am trying to use them to pretty some routs for my drone before i fly. If it keeps popping up in Latvia and I am in a backwoods area of kentucky USA this gets annoying

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VIDEO FEED Without a Smart phone

Hello has anyone set up the video server to take the video feed straight from the drone to the server. I use IPAD's and iPhones for my smart devices and I do not want to get an android or other device and go through any other headaches as i use a Mac

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2.9 not finding local host on mac

I am testing and trying out UgCS 2.9 on my mac before i purchase a professional license. had 2.8 and it worked fine. when i installed the update now it will not work with either the 2.8 or 2.9 software anyone else using this software on mac computers

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