Matthew S Dreyer's Discussions (4)

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Failsafe with Termination

I have a fixed wing drone that is competing at the 2017 AUVSI student competition in Maryland, and I am having trouble setting up the failsafe requirements.  

Here are the requirements:

The UAS must have either autonomous return to home (RTH) or return

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Fail-Safe: RTL to Terminate

Im having trouble with my fail safe set-up

For the fail safe I have already set-up, the short fail safe is for the plane to circle after 1.5 seconds of communication lost, and the long fail safe is for the plane to RTL after 30 seconds of communicatio

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Termination Parameter

Im having trouble with my fail safe set-up

For the fail safe I have already set-up, the short fail safe is for the plane to circle after 1.5 seconds of communication lost, and the long fail safe is for the plane to RTL after 30 seconds of communicatio

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