Michael Carpenter's Posts (1)

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APM Planner 2.0.17 (Stable Release)


What happened to 2.0.16? I messed up, and that release got lost… but no worries we’re back with 2.0.17!

There have been a multitude of changes and improvements from 2.0.15, one of the big ones being Graphing.

Graphing Changes:

Loading of TLogs directly instead of having to replay them to view graphs
Added ERR,EV,MODE graphing
Loaded Graphs can now filter by message types
Graphs are now loaded in their own window, allowing multiple graphs to be open at once.
Loaded graph logs can now be exported as KML

Mission Changes:

WPNAV_RADIUS now correctly works.
Waypoints now have a default altitude and radius
Added support for Continue and Change Altitude waypoitns
Preflight Calibration Dialog in the Actions Widget

Serial Comms:

Updated mavlink to a new version as of 12/15/2014
Pulling the USB cable while connected is handled more gracefully


Misc stylesheet improvements to make AP2 look better in both indoor and outdoor modes.
Addition of RC Transmitter 1/2/3/4 modes to Radio Calibration view

And a *whole* lot more.

As always, prebuild binaries are available on ardupilot.com's download page, and please discuss issues or feature requests on the Ardupilot forums for APM Planner 2.0

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