Polymath's Posts (1)

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Two things, time in the air and low light

First off I want to say that I am very impressed with the work that is being done through this group. I was going to use a gumstix computer but the idea of using a cell phone was genius. Anyway, getting to the point. I was curious to know if anyone could suggest a platform that was battery powered and had a 30 minute flight endurance. My second question is a bit more specific. Has any one done work with low light, night vision, thermal or IR cameras?Infra red cameras can be made small and light weight but require reflected infra red light from an a second source like an LED bank and on top of that its relatively short range, less than 50ft. Night vision is same but not as bad, unfortunately its heavy, even the gen 3 stuff. Thermal would be optimal but I haven't used a thermal camera that weighed less than 5lbs.
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