(Excerpt below is from this press release)
"(Montreal, Canada) November 17, 2014
Eighteen teams of young engineers-in-training competed for the right to call themselves world champion drone builders at the 22nd annual ASME Student Design Competition (SDC) finals today at the International Mechanical Engineering Congress & Exhibition at Montreal's Palais des Congrès.
The international slate of teams – including squads from universities in China, France, India, Peru, Turkey and across the United States – brought their talent and training to bear on one of today's hottest mechanical technologies: Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) or as they are better known, drones. Each team had designed and built a powerful, maneuverable, remotely-piloted drone to fly in this year's competition.
Today, drones are one of the world's hottest technologies. Though an industry still in its infancy, drones and their potential have captured the imaginations of leaders in business, government and academia. They promise new solutions for difficult, dangerous or time-critical tasks in industries from agriculture to emergency medicine, from energy to journalism and beyond.
The SDC Challenge for 2014: design and build an original drone, pilot it successfully through a series of high and low obstacles, complete a targeted payload drop, and return to the start -- in one piece."
More information about the 2014 and 2015 ASME Student Design Competitions is here.