FPV Tilt Camera Mount with Landing Gear
I saw one of these a few weeks back, and got to thinking...
How can I easily mount this to a stock AC without making any drastic mods, getting the CG close, and having tilt and roll stabilization possible?
This is what I came up with...going to see if it will take off in the morning.
Mechanically, the pieces are in the right places. It moves well. It's probably not super robust, but we'll see if it gets the job done.
Three metal pieces bent for the roll hinge with nylon washers.
Easystar rudder horn, control rod and clamp.
Random thumbscrew from Ace that clamps into an alum. bar underneath the two plys of balsa and squeezes the fiber frame. Pretty secure actually.
The kit was $20. I got it as a weight filler with a 9x from Hobby King. The rest is scrap.
It at least gets the concept going cheaply, we'll see how long it lasts.
Here's the battery outrigger from previous static camera setup.
Ideas for improvements are always appreciated...
Changing the roll multiply to 2 fixed it. I honestly would call this pretty successful.
I think that pitch is working really well. Roll is not. I've just changed to multiply the roll calculation by 2, and the response seems much better than what is in this video. A little windy right now!
Any Channel can be an output channel, even channel 8. Just don't use channel 8 as an input.
Roll and Pitch work great. Should be able to get it in the air in the morning.
I got the roll working on CH_6, just had to multiply by a -1 to reverse the servo.
APM_RC.OutputCh(CH_6, g.rc_camera_roll.radio_out);
what if we are running an Hexa? Is camera control incompatible with hexa quads?
Right now The camera control will output pitch on CH 6 out and Roll on channel 5.
Oh boy....put that battery in front of the bar, and she is ready to rock.
Need the SW piece now.
Well, the AC can pick it all up. Definitely needs some tuning, maybe just moving the battery to the other side of the rail. Uploading video now.
I'm running the ACM code out of the SVN....I'm wondering what my best code option is to get the stabilization actually working? I'll take a look at the pirates code and see.