Hello from two members of DIY Drones,
We have built a small website that we think will be useful to this community. We want to know what you think about the site as it is today.
a) Should a common vocabulary be developed for discussing civilian unmanned vehicles, drones, and unmanned vehicle systems?
b) Does this new site provide a sufficient vocabulary for tagging the discussions, so we can all find information faster?
c) Do you think the site could become a reference site for this community, and for the general public?
d) How do you think the site should evolve to provide the most benefit to the most people?
Your comments will influence the direction and pace of further development. Now is a great time to be heard, here where there can be some lively, friendly dialog. We will check in from time to time to read your comments, and to offer some of our own.
Please click here to access and explore the site before leaving a comment.
Thank you, in advance, for taking some time to let us know what you think.
- John (D.) Githens and Doug (R.D.) Starwalt
I really like the idea of building a site with the intension of incorporating SE initiatives. Would be great for engineers or anybody else to see where they fit into the operational system as well as a detailed life-cycle of the drone.
Thank you for your comments and observations. A glossary of terms is only a small part of the DroneSpeak Framework. It is much more. As discussions and blogs posts are started, using the best term at the most appropriate level of the Vocabulary to tag the discussions and blog posts should lead to faster and easier searching. Using a hierarchical vocabulary is an idea based on concepts from Systems Engineering and IT Architecture. Making an effort to organize information from the top down will especially help new people look for information.
I took a look at and like it, now it needs to be filled up with content more imo.
I am with Jesse, no need for a site just to understand jargon/vocabulary for drones.
Every industry, hobby, business, etc. has it's own jargon, vocabulary, or phraseology (such as Air Traffic Control). I don't believe there is such a tremendous amount of drone-dedicated "vocabulary" that a dedicated site would be warranted. A single page on, say, this site would suffice.