3D Robotics

DIY Drones chat tonight at 9:00pm PST

Free video streaming by Ustream [UPDATE: The above was for the live chat; the recorded podcast is here] We're planning a weekly podcast, and will beta test it this evening with a tech experiment which everyone here is welcome to participate in. This week we'll discuss: --The NASA Ames field trip --The first round of the T3 contest and the start of the second round --ArduPilot updates and the roadmap --AttoPilot test experience with EasyStar --Tips and tricks for airframe selection and integration --And whatever other cool stuff comes up! The mode is that two or three hosts will run the weekly discussion (which will last about 30 minutes) and record and edit it for a weekly podcast, which you can download and listen to anytime. We'll plan to have a guest interview each week but won't have one this week since we're mostly just testing the technology. At the same time the DIY Drones chat will be open so you can type questions in real time while we're talking. You can listen to the Skype chat in real time here. (also embedded above) Today your hosts will just be me and Tim Trueman, who has kindly volunteered to set up the technology and do the editing. But we are looking for a third host, so people who are interested should PM me.
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  • Moderator
    The podcast is here Chris

    This link will only work when they are recording live

  • T3
    "diydrones has not recorded any videos. "

    so it was not recorded?
  • Moderator
    Well I look forward to being able to download it, is it in fact the first UAS podcast I wonder! Another DIYdrones first?
  • 3D Robotics
    Unfortunately, 14:00 PST is smack dab in the middle of the afternoon, which between the lures of flying and the demands of children is not the best choice for us Californians. Mornings PST tend to be kid time, too (three of the four on the call have babies!)

    The problem with realtime events and a global community is that you can't suit everyone. But the point of the podcast, rather than just a realtime show, is that even if you can't make the event you can listen to it later.
  • Moderator
    Ah that post came in as I was writing mine Chris, I look forward to hearing it.
  • Moderator
    Now was that yesterday?? 2100 PST is a bit early O'clock here in Europe on a Monday morning, school day and all. What chance it could be more like 14 PST which if I'm right, but I may not be, is about 22 O'clock in Europe, I guess that makes it a pain for you guys running it. I suppose the best time might be early morning, which would be late night Aus, late afternoon Europe. Anyhow, how did it go?
  • 3D Robotics
    Huge thanks to Tim for setting this up! It went pretty well, for a first effort, and we debugged a few things so next time will be even better. I think Tim will have the MP3/AAC file up soon.
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