With UAVs coming into more widespread service in the armed services and all around us everyday, its becoming harder and harder to find and fill specialized niches of operation, and thats where the Guardian comes in. Designed for close convoy support, The Guardian was designed for near instantaneous deployment in contrast to the Raven which requires hand launch. The goal is to have it launch out of a canister mounted on the side of a convoy vehicle, so in ambush situations where hand launch of a support aircraft would be deemed impossible, The Guardian could provide a near instantaneous "eye in the sky."Orginally conceived by me for a 10th grade science fair project last year, I started off with the baics, working mostly just to prove my concept. Pics under my profile......Primary propulsion is a G80 rocket motor, and then once in the air, wings unfold and it becomes a normal electric powered glider. At that point it was only RC with no onboard camera due to "funding" restrictions.In 2007-2008
However this year, working with a Lockheed Martin Engineer as my mentor, I optimized my aircraft by applying math to my design. Wings became high aspect ratio and fins changed shape and grew in area. With design changes made, I moved on to how to actually make it. Utilizing AutoCAD and Solidworks I designed many of my components in 3D to be cut by CNC routing, a vast improvement over the Scroll Saw that I had used in the previous year.In 2008-2009
Other improvements include 99% composite construction for durability and strength. The wings and fins were all covered with lightwight fiberglass cloth and have internal Carbon Fiber stiffeners, a lesson I had learned the hard way after the fins on a flying prototype "dissappeared" when they only had a small carbon support on the leading edge of them.

<</body>As for the electronics, the Guardian will be carrying an autopilot and wireless camera system this year. *knock on wood* I settled on the KX171X 900mHz 500mW Aerial Video System for RangeVideo and placed the order about a month ago, but the components have yet to arrive. So until they do I'm at a stand still except for flight testing which I should be conducting next weekend with high hopes. (videos soon after that) Working with the camera I have the RVOSD as a HUD for FPV flying. Then on autopilot duties I will end up using the RVOSD until my ArduPIiot has arrived and is assembled ;)

Hopefully within the next couple of weeks I'll finish up my testing and post so vids of it in action. After that its science fair in February, and I have my sights set on International Level at INTEL ISEF and try and win back some of the money I have put into this project :)Any feedback and recommendations are graciously welcome, as I will most likely due a continuation next year to finish my highschool research and maybe even take it to college with me...Cheers,Julian
I happened to come across this article and thought of you and your project. It might give you some ideas for yours.
Pretty easy to DIY, just some tubing and the plastic mesh, maybe a paintball CO2 canister (although the pressure may be a little high). You'd need two to be able to open and close since they only operate in tension.
Given you comment i must say that some of these (l12) are servo based and will hold a position some where in the middle, that was my orginal reason for going with these, it allows me to optomise wing position for lift and speed. I know that you are deaing with a rocket for quick deployment, but i have a slight differenrt mision in mind. Think about scouting ahead, a partial deployed wing will give you a large lifting surface and the best climb angle can be achieved without inducing drag from elevators and rudders. just food for though. but it starts to get complicated, with reyonlds numbers and CP and CG weight and moment calculations nothing that you could do with a little bit of work!
But the air systems seems like a pretty viable option. They would me allow me not only a safe and commandable way to open them, but also have a built in locking mechanism. Thanks paul.
@ Stephen, the way I have it setup right now that when it reaches its apex, velocity=0, I remotely release a bungee which actuates gear and then opens the wings, so if I were to use the parachute idea, I would have to release it before or slightly after the apex, reducing my altitude more than id like, but I am considering a parachute if the wings dont open as a backup to save my aircraft.
Thanks, That was the idea from the original concept. If you could catch them in the act that would be the best thing, but if you could possibly track them back to their staging grounds after the attack that would be almost as good. To defend against the former, and actually locate the targets during amush would most likely require a constant overhead aircraft which is almost impossible at all times. Just gotta comprimise I guess....
I can tell you from personal experience that a platoon level UAV capability would be a valuable asset in Iraq. Ambushes are the most chaotic and disorienting situation a soldier could be in, and because of that the attackers are often able to get away. I don't think that even a rapidly deployable drone could directly change the course of the engagement because the attacks expire so quickly. However, it's unique perspective would serve to be important in identifying and tracking the attackers during their retreat, which would hopefully lead to their eventual capture or destruction by follow-on forces...and that's what really matters!
Using air for this design would be overkill for a simple reason - he only needs to open the wings, not close them. The tensioned system has two benefits - one, its simple and light - and two, the wings will fold on landing - saving both the wings and the plane. From my experience a swing wing can handle a ton of abuse - if the wing is free to move.
If I were julian, I'd wouldNOT link the wings together. An impact that affects one wing, will jamm the gears trying to get the other wing to close. Instead I would spring-load both wings, and simply release them when the motor ejects. I think the wing tips could be tied together by a string which runs across the backend of the rocket motor - when the rocketmotor backfires, it burns the string and the wings deploy. (If the backfire will burn string).