We're going to be standardizing on built-in Bluetooth for all 3DR vehicles and autopilots in the future, but you don't have to wait for that -- you can use Bluetooth right now with this nifty Bluetooth add-on kit ($24.99). It's pre-set for 3DR gear and sends MAVlink at 57k to any mobile device or laptop running DroidPlanner, AndroPilot, Mission Planner or APM Planner. I posted a DIY tutorial on how to roll your own BT link a while ago, but for those who don't want the hassle of making cables and configuring radios, we've now done it all for you.
Leave your telemetry radio and OTG cable at home, and make a direct Bluetooth connection to your phone, tablet or laptop for pre-flight mission planning and vehicle setup. It has a range of 30m, which is fine for setup, mission planning and even close FollowMe mode -- all without bulky long-range radios.
Just plug it into your telemetry port and pair with your device. It's the easiest way to make a telemetry link -- no extra gear required!
I also note that 3DR has an Amazon presence and are selling Iris drones etc.
@David you may try this:
But, no more Telem ports. Possibly a future consideration as we strive to further pimp the Octo.
ausdroid, Luis: You can indeed use both radios, when they're plugged into different telem ports. The software takes input from both and acts on the last command received from either (so you can switch control between them). The scenario you describe is one we do all the time. While it's connected to a GCS via 3DR radios, it's also connected via BT. The person with the BT connection commands Follow-Me mode, so that takes over command until finished.
The reason you can't plug them into the same port is just due to the way all hardware UARTS (serial port controllers) work: they're based on handshaking and get confused if they have two sets of streams coming in.
I've asked the same on the APM forum, and for now I only had one reply saying that at least on the same port is not possible.
3DR Radio and 3DR Bluetooth
Bumping this after a suitably polite wait;
Hi Chris, you said you could use both Bluetooth and 3DR radios with Pixhawk. How do you hand control from one to the other? It would be great if you could use the telemetry link to to fly the multirotor to within 30 metres of the bluetooth link and then have it go into "follow the Bluetooth mode" to chase the person with the phone and then take control again to bring it home. i.e. to photograph/video surfing, snowboarding, etc. If you have both connected and go into follow me...which one does it chase?
@mP1 Thanks, I guess I'll discover this soon ;)
@Chris IF an iOS mission planner app was on the way, would it offer the same range of configuration/settings options as the mission planner desktop soft does?
Especially looking forward to calibrating acc, compass, asigning modes to switch position and why not PID settings on the field without having to carry a laptop :)
Oh, and IF such an App is being developped, any idea when it would be available?
Thanks :)
So can we have an iOS ground station with Bluetooth as the Mavlink transceiver? I hope the droidplanner developers make an iOS app.