There are a lot of videos on what ETH is doing, it's a great and amazing work what they do but also keep in mind that their equipment is close to 0.5 mil USD :)
Vicon camera system it self costs more than 300k and quads only work inside that "small" cube. So they cannot work outside.
There are DIY podcasts about this university and their work. Go and listen it.
And yes they are all autonomous.. Well without human control, only programs and computers are running those.
I'm not sure of the details but its a motion capture environment. Lots of cameras are detecting the exact position/location of the quad and controlling it. If you want to see more I believe "Agressive Quad Manouvers" and "Dancing Quads" should yield you some more motion capture goodies.
Quad vollei is next
Vicon camera system it self costs more than 300k and quads only work inside that "small" cube. So they cannot work outside.
There are DIY podcasts about this university and their work. Go and listen it.
And yes they are all autonomous.. Well without human control, only programs and computers are running those. <- Dancing quads <- Preview to ETH lab
Have fun :)