
Store Updates!

Remember you have to start saving now, so your wife (or mom) can't tell that you bought an ArduPilotMega with all the gear included!

-I have the honor to announce the last and missing sensor of our mini UAV store. Yeah the easy to use i2c absolute pressure sensor for just $169.90 dlls! Just kidding. Check the price here.

I been playing with it a lot and i didn't know how good it is (of course i will not tell you is a piece of crap when I'm trying to sell it, but believe me is more than perfect for our applications).
I'm also trying to write a nice code to auto calibrate the actual sea level pressure, but the Arduino environment only have a crappy power function (pow()) that eats up some important bits, so i will try to figure out that issue later when i have time, in the mean time i have an Arduino example code that was mainly developed by Jose Julio (thank you!).
You only need an Arduino mini 8Mhz, wire up the 3.3V and Ground signals and the I2c port (AN4 to SDA and AN5 to SCL), load this code here and you should see temperature, pressure in pascals and the approximated altitude. Remember that you need to define at the beginning of the code your current altitude, you can find that information with Google Earth, the definition looks like this: "#define ALT_ADJ 217", where the value "217" is 217 meters above the sea level.

-About Remzibi OSD's, he sent me about 50 units on January 26 and i still waiting for them, probably the box get lost on the mail. :S

-China came back from vacation (Happy Tiger's year!!) so the ArduPilotMega shield development is back on tracks with a few other halted project are on the move.

-New uBlox GPS modules (GS-407) will arrive in 1 week.

-I will have new products soon... ;-)

-ArduPilot Mega is about to be released, they are building a very complicated test bed with one LED for every pin of the At1280, i hope have some pictures soon.

Bad news:
On March 4 i will leave for a HUGE family reunion. We will get lost on the paradise beach of my own country (Mexico). That means no internet connection, no development's, no school, no nothing and yes sun, yes sea food and yes real vacations. I will fly back on a Boeing 737-500 (my favorite part of a trip) on March 16. ;-) See ya!
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  • O.K. Jordi, here's -

    1) Dump Coke/Pepsi, drink water...........................................$5/day
    2) Stay out of Starbucks, brew your own.................................$10/day
    3) No greasy fast food, bring sack lunch.................................$10/day
    4) Don't go to the bars after work M-T......................................$20/day

    Just 3 weeks of working days and you paid for the full boat - your withdrawal headaches should be subsiding by now!!
  • Jordi, next time U go home, bring back Carta Blanca & sell it in the store - I can't find any!!
  • Well, until then thanks DIY Drones for at least making these products available for the DIY community we appreciate it!

  • Developer
    I search in RC Groups for other projects that have similar parts, and find good information, it helps until Jordi publishes layouts & schematics etc..
  • Developer

    Yes i know it sucks. I simply don't have time, so i just release and i hope that at least people who knows about this very well can start playing with it. Then the "manuals" and schematics are released over time. Datasheets can be found easily. About pin labeling is not true for all the latest products.

    I keep saying this over and over again, we are not Sparkfun (not even close). We are only three people running the tiny store, Sparkfun have 60 people or more i guess.

    What i will suggest is: If you don't see schematics and instructions on the product list, well just imagine it doesn't exist four you yet, until that is fixed.

    Sorry for the inconveniences.
  • 3D Robotics

    Good point. As you'll see most of our products are properly documented, but Jordi is releasing them faster than we can keep up with, so we're racing to catch up. I'll ensure that the product listing has all the necessary files this week.
  • Jordi,
    The lack of documentation for your sensors is frustrating no data sheets, schematics, or specs, or pin labeling is even visible i hope you look at sparkfuns(very organized) detailed support for advice. for example i cant see what pin labeling is so i can't plan ahead for pcb designs. Specs play a huge part in the choice of consumers products. (magnetometer, altitude sensor)

    thanks Andrew
  • I've been playing with the SCP1000-D11 for a few months using the official VTI breakout board, but connected to a Microchip PIC processor instead of an arduino. I've merged some code that I had already written, to track the chance in altitude, based on temperature compensated changes in pressure, using only nice efficient integer maths, with the code that Jordi posted above.

    Code has been tested using an Ardupilot PCB, but being very careful to run at 3v3 to keep within the spec of the SCP1000 device.

    Source Code is available from:

  • Developer
    They are optional mounting holes, you can either use both to hold it, or just remove one side, or remove both to keep the minimal size. ;-)
  • are they meant for optional mounting holes, or is this something specific to the fab process?
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