An autonomous Wave Glider robot named Mercury floated alone in the path of Hurricane Sandy about 100 miles east of Toms River, New Jersey. The robot survived 70 knot winds on the ocean's surface while its sensors gathered weather data and transmitted it in real time. The robot recorded a drop in barometric pressure of more than 54 mbars with a low of 946 mbars. The robot also carries cameras, wave sensors, fish trackers, hydrophones, temperature sensors, conductivity sensors, dissolved oxygen sensors, magnetometer, GPS, and a flurometer. For more details on what this robot does, see the article Air-Sea Interface Monitoring of Hurricanes at the Liquid Robots website. For some technical details of the robot itself, see the Wave Glider Technology Brief (PDF format) and Wave Glider Specifications document (PDF format). We've covered a variety of ocean glider robots in the past including a Robots Podcast interview with Oscar Schofield of Rutgers on underwater gliders, and older articles on the Rutgers Gliders and Slocum Gliders. Read on to see more photos and video of Wave Gliders in action.
Underwater view of a Wave Glider robot in rough seas
1 of those proliferating robots which happens to be more difficult than flying robots because of the need for a boat to recover it.
Mote has a gravity glider that I seen is very cool also.
I have been watching these guys for a while...
Very cool !
I wonder if it was a test drop for the storm or was it on a mission and got lucky
Impressive :)