2.0.47 Yaw Difference

Just loaded .47 and it is looking really good.  I first tried sonar alt hold and it was very bouncy - until I realized it was reading the leaves it was blowing up!  Makes a good leaf blower, and once the leaves were gone alt hold was stable as a rock. Loiter is a bit better, but it did a fairly aggressive 9 meter circle with little wind.

The 20 second arming for in air balance is really great. I usually run it a few times and I know I got it when it takes off perfectly straight, and I can fly hands free for long periods with no wind.

The biggest thing I have noticed is that the yaw deadband is much bigger than earlier versions. I don't hate this since before I sometimes would yaw a little running throttle as very little right/left stick would start yaw.  Now it takes a pretty long throw to start yaw - I kind of wish it were halfway between where it was and wher it is now. Is there a param I can change to shorten yaw deadband a little?

Once again I cannot thank Jason and crew enough.

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  • For the deadband


    It's here inside radio.pde file :

    // set rc dead zones

        g.rc_1.dead_zone = 60;        // 60 = .6 degrees
        g.rc_2.dead_zone = 60;
        g.rc_3.dead_zone = 60;
        g.rc_4.dead_zone = 600;// 0 = hybrid rate approach


    You'll have to modify g.rc_4.dead_zone


    To change the loiter point, you need to move the sticks past a certain point (halfway?) and it will reset the loiter point.

  • One last question -- in loiter mode I sometimes nudge the unit if it is starting to go astray faster and faster or if it is about to hit something.  Does this change the loiter point?  I remember reading that you can change it by moving it away and then letting go of stick. Am I 'chasing the dragon' by nudging the stick and altering the waypoint?

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