2.6 Mission Fun!

We finally got days with less than hurricane level winds (sorry quad rodeo people! The wind gave Jason quite a workout that day!)  so I setup some mission runs at a nice field nearby.  I have had good luck with 2.6  on my apm2 quad, so I setup a fairly challenging 15 waypoint mission -



It then flew the complete mission autonomously and beautifully-




Here is the video, gopro just strapped on top. It is kind of neat that towards the end you can see smoke starting to roll in from the fires north of Denver, within a couple hours everything was hazed out!


Running a similar mission 4 times, all completely autonomous -


The repeatability is amazing. Each run typically varied less than a couple meters, and the wind was variable 5-10mph. I just took a seat and watched it majestically sail.

With a quad I think people should always start with default params, all I usually do is play with Stab P if it oscillates. If I go from 10 to 12 inc apc props stab p has to go down some. (Param file attached)

Once again I have to thank all- it was great to meet you at sparkfun, next year will be wild.




p allok 10 inch.param

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