2.71 Motor Surging Problem

I have run into a problem similar to Peter -


wherein the motors under 2.71 surge  regularly just sitting in stable. Under 2.6, my quad runs beautifully, floats like a butterfly. Here is the motors graph (logs, params attached.) from a very nice 2.6 flight-



But installing 2.71, using 2.71 defaults, makes the motors pulse and they sound just like Peter's sound. It is obvious in the graph-

3690952041?profile=originalI too have done the Marco load old - reset - erase - reconfig, changed Rate P, Stab P  to no avail. Just loading 2.6 back and it flies perfectly, 2.71 and the prob appears. Is anyone else having this prob? Are there any params I am missing?

On the good side, I love the new UBlox! I see a lot more accuracy even in 2.6, but even better getting a fix in 10 seconds rocks!

2.6 with 2.6 param.log

2.71 default param.log

param 2.71 default.param

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  • Developer

    Hi John, 

    Are you saying the noise is during alt hold or all the time?

    If you are saying alt hold:

    The throttle_rate_P value can pump noise from the climb_rate calculation into the motors. It is higher in 2.7 than 2.6 by default since we have a new filtering mechanism. Use the 2.6 gains and let me know if it goes away. If not, I'll give you a patch that reverts to the 2.6 baro climb rate calculation. 



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