2 drones, moving to precise locations in a room

Hi there.

I am new and need purchasing advice and if this project is possible.

I would like two helicopters, to fly and move around, with timing and spacial precision, in a room.

Looks like the software and hardware is available to do this, I just don't know what to get.

Can I get some suggestions please?!!!


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  • OK. 45 views and crickets.

    Can someone comment if the below is what I would need to get the job done if at all possible?

    Again, I don't need to be told how to do it. Just if this is what I could use to get it done. Just for flying indoors, 2 copters being told where to fly to, then stay, then fly to another position and stay. Moving and timing done together.


    2 of these copters


    Pixhawk controller + telemetry radios (do I need 2)

    Mission Planner

    Marvelmind starter set


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