2.6 Flight Testing

Hello All,

I downloaded the code that Chris linked to, and loaded it up on the plane.  EZ* with thermopiles.

I've got the stabilization tuned fine.

Here are my existing issues:

1)  I'm no longer getting a lock on my uBlox GPS.  I'm going to go back downlevel and see if that fixes it, but is anyone else having this problem?

2)  The NUDGE in AUTO mode is still reversed.  We had that other thread where we talked about how we didn't multiply in the reverse roll and pitch into the equation

3)  I improved my FBW authority with these settings, but it is still not enough pitch auth.

#define HEAD_MAX 7000           //  The maximum commanded bank angle (left and right) degrees*100
#define PITCH_MAX 3500 // The maximum commanded pitch up angle degrees*100
#define PITCH_MIN -3500         // The maximum commanded pitch down angle degrees*100

Everything else I'm going to wait until I get the GPS situation sorted out.

Anyone have any comments that may help?




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  • Developer
    On the "nudge" issue, are you using the latest revised code from the repository, or the .zip download file. It is not corrected in the .zip, only the latest revision in the repository.

    Not enough pitch authority for what? You may need to tune the servo loop gains and not raise the limits so high. HEAD_MAX 7000 looks excessive. Do you actually want 70 degree bank? Do you actually get 70 degree bank? If you are not getting 70 degree bank with that setting your problem is the servo loop gains, not the limits.
  • Thanks for the replies everyone! I'm not sure I can re-solder this one. I'd probably just screw it up worse.

    Here's a video of the issue.

  • are you using arduPilot with arduPilot shield and arduIMU? With the arduIMU on version 1.7 IMU code, I get a gps lock easily.
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