Hello, this is my situation:

I purchased a magneto from DIY Drones.

I soldered it on top of the IMU, calibrated offsets with IMU mounted on the copter.

Had my first flight and yaw was not still. So I cheched my magneto and on CLI and all I got were 0's.

Desoldered, tried on i2c port usin gps cable, and same result. So I bought another one thinking it was the magneto.

The new magneto is here, I've connected to the I2C port and nothing. Tried on top of the IMU and nothing. All 0's as if the magneto was not connected.

Now I'm lost. I have no idea what to check could it be the board?

I have checked voltage on the I2C ports and this is what I get;

GND -- VCC 4.98 

What could I do now?


Thanks, Emile

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  • I am also on my second magnetometer, did anyone ever figure this one out.  I have tried the AP_Compass_test program.  I have one 5843 and one 5883L and i have changed the code appropriately depending on which one i plug in where it says:


    AP_Compass_HMC5843 compass;
    //AP_Compass_HMC5883L compass;


    When i run the program all i get is:


    Compass library test (HMC5843 and HMC5883L)


    And then NOTHING. Could it be my I2C port? 


    The 5883L magnetometer is brand new and i quadruple checked the wiring before installing it.  Can anyone help?

  • 3D Robotics
    Please contact the store and get a RMA to replace the board.
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