3D Model of APM + Oil Pan

I know the surface models exist out there (the Lightwave videos that Sandro has put together look INCREDIBLE) and there are of course Eagle files (which POVRay can turn into a rendering)...



But are there any real CAD files out there?



I have been tinkering with Altium and it's 3D engine for a while and have gotten the boards in (which includes all the masking and silk screening as well) but as I suspected the components don't have any CAD data build in.



Does anyone have a headstart on me that would be will to share?   Literally, I can take any 3D file format and work with it.   If they were available, I'd even take the mesh/NURBS from the lightwave stuff if it could be published under CC.



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  • Does anyone have a solid model or 3D model of the new purple APM v2?

  • Can't you add the generic 3D models in the Altium libraries to the components? You may not find models for everything, but you'll find the generic parts.


    You can also get connector models from Molex, Tyco, etc.

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