3D Post Flight Analysis & Realtime Monitoring Software

I have been working to implement a plugin for STK (Systems Tool Kit) for importing a flight log, recreating the flight, altering some sensor models to depict the camera and camera mode (i.e. field of view).  I can pull the flight data in, overlay the captured video from the flight, compare with a "simulated" view of modeled sensor in the software, and do some pretty cool analysis with other tools in the software (reports/graphs, propagate GPS satellites and analyze and/or predict DOP values, calculate distances to other objects/ areas/ volumes.... the list goes on.

I also have been working to put in a RealTime capability so i can link up to my 3DR radio and monitor the flight of my IRIS+.  You can see some demonstration of what i have working so far here:


Let me know what you think!  I am still trying to wrap my head around the whole MAVLINK world, but i have made some progress!  Thanks to a few folks on here who have given some guidance as well.

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  • well,how to get the plugin or buy it?      my email: rcdxph2016@gmail.com


  • I am still working on putting some additional features on this plugin.  I started to include some additional data from the flight logs so I could pull the data in and then sync things up, analyze multiple data sets, etc.  Here is one really interesting thing I stumbled upon while testing some of my flight logs.


    I had loaded two flight in to visualize them both.  This was actually data from when both I and a friend were flying our IRIS+'s together.  I thought it would be interesting to calculate ranges and angles between the two of them, but when I loaded in the RADIO data from the log file and graphed some of the values, I noticed the 'RxErrors' were basically zero until one point during the flight when they all of a sudden started to build up.  You can see this in the graph.  What happened at the time when the RxErrors started to grow?  That is exactly when the second IRIS+ was turned on!  

    Anyway, I thought that was pretty interesting to see things like the RSSI, Noise, and other radio parameters during the flight, but I didnt expect to see the RxErrors start building after the 2nd drone was turned on and took off.   

  • @DroneRanger,

    some years ago I have tested GPS-enabled vehicle camera video recorder, software part only, playing back recorded video in one window, GPS track on Google maps in second video and accelerometer sensor data in third window, time synced.

    I was curious how to timestamp recorded video frames to get time synced playback effect

    or to develop multimedia format (vxml) to record timestamped video, GPS track and sensor data for synced playback in 3 windows.

    Could you advise me on a nice solution ?

    • timestamping the video is a challenge and i am unsure of the right solution.  Right now i have to manually edit the video file if i want to use it, so that it starts and stops during the portion of the flight that the log file represents.  

      I dont know if there is a way to grab time-stamp data from the gopro video files, but if there was a way, and the time was as accurate as the log file, then that could be helpful.

      • Timestamping using consumer video cameras is tough.. but there are mechanisms for timestamping every frame of h.264 imagery by leveraging the SEI data space.

        There are standards out there for this (MISB ST 0604).  There are also mechanisms for adding GPS position and pose of the camera into the video stream (the MISB also specifies ways to do this).

        • @transient,

          live data streams can visualized as pipes ( Yahoo Pipes Project)
          multimedia container just links a number of pipes into a single pipe.
          Matroska is exactly open-source container tool and standard to let you pack a number of live data streams into a single live data stream,
          liniking many pipes into a single pipe.

          Number of codes is provide to unpack Matroska container and tools are provided to pack live data strems into Matroska container.

          The idea is easy as in other multimedia standard.

          Container is unpacked and individual data strems are played in sync mode
          using proper codecs and timing is provided by
          EBML file (made of timing data records).

          I was looking for examples of EBML files
          Just visit
          So individual records withing EBML file controler what codecs play back in sync mode in separate windows.

      • I mean car video players with GPS

        like these



        Tommorrow I give you more details on how to sync a number of input live multimedia streams, sensor data channels into timestamped product, ready for playing back.

  • @DroneRanger,

    since under new legislation by FAA every tiny drone is subject to official registration,

    try to implement no-fly-zones into your application exactly as DJI did in Ground Station.

    R&D team from MIT developed fixed-wind plane fit for autonomous non-GPS flights indoor (underground parking space) equipped with obstacle avoidance radar , sonar and highly intelligent flight control algorithm.

    3D flight track visualization is provided.

    Look for the thread starting from embedded video since I don't remember its name

    My congratulations.

  • So cool. Subscribed. Want to know more about this.

  • Looks great!  Are you planning on this to be opensource, or commerical?

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