3D Radio 433 help


I had a purchased the 433 3DR Radio system from 3DR and had it working perfectly.  Then a faithful day flying over water I lost control of my drone and it fell into the SF Bay.


So I built a 2nd unit and purchased a new card to be the air portion of the Radio as I still had the ground unit.


I can not get these two cards to talk to each other.  So I thought I would hook up the air card to the USB cable to udlate the firmware, setting etc but I get the following error


"failed to identify radio"  or "failed to enter command mode"  Now when I unplug the new air card and plug in the old ground card (changing no settings) the ground card connect just fine.


Both these cards look identical yet one works and one does not.  What am I doing wrong?  Could it be a bad card from 3DR?





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  • Hi Jason,

    I think it depends on bad parameter settings: baud rate is not properly set, and the only way to repair is to connect bad board to PC by USB port, run a terminal emulation program (as toolly, termite, etc..), and try to talk with board by setting different baud rates, starting by 1200.

    Once you are able to communicate with board, you must enter Hayes command mode by '+++' (it responds with 'OK'). At this point you can provide a 'AT&F' command to set default parameters, then 'AT&W' to write them to the board and finally 'ATZ' to reboot the system.



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