3D Robotics PDB question

I'm attempting to troubleshoot my 3D robotics quad which i've been unable to get to take off without it flipping. I've run through the troubleshooting steps and done the hand test and the motors command and it seems to be responding correctly to that. However I thought I would double check i have the PDB wired up correctly.

I have one of the older PDB's without the silk screened text that tells you which motor connects to where, so how exactly do i know which pads to connect to which motors esc? or if i have the motors spinning correctly with the motors command on the cli should i just assume i have it wired correctly?

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  • My method to make sure all is spinning correctly, is to mark each motor mount with a felt tipped pen. Eg. CW and CCW.

    Then before putting the props on, put some tape on the motor shafts and run the quad up, double check the directions.

    Then when you put the props on, double check they are the correct props for the correct rotation.

    Also does the copter flip instantly? A video would help :)


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