3DR 915MHz Radio Difficulty

Hi Folks,

My first post in this thread. I just got my 3DR APM2 + Stuff yesterday and trying to sort it all out. I am having difficulty getting the 3DR radios to talk to one another.


915MHz Set

S1K 1.5 both radios

Solid green LED on both

Can read stats with MP

BUT cannot get them to talk to each other through the "Connect" button.

I have read this thread with intense interest and see that others got to this point and either resolved and didn't tell how or RMA'd the radio set and the new set worked.

I think I am close but my be missing some subtle point. Appreciate any tips or suggestions.



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  • Developer
    I read here http://code.google.com/p/ardupilot-mega/wiki/3DRadio that an important note is to make sure the APM is no longer connected via the USB port, as the telemetry radio uses the same USB port. This ake sense as you only need telemetry when you have disconnect the ArduPilot
  • I initially had the same problem.

    Before my 3DR radios arrived I had been testing with the USB connector which was on COM4. I discovered that the 3DR radios were using COM5 so I had to change the COM port setting at the top right hand corner of Mission Planner.

    Secondly I had to switch off the AIR Radio and in configuration>3DR radios click on the UPLOAD FIRMWARE (local) tab. This populated the settings - I then reconnected the AIR Radio and everything worked.

  • Jake,

    No I don't have a serial TTL adapter. Would you be so kind as to recommend one. This is really getting me down. There was another fellow on this thread who appeared to have exactly the same problem and then he had a Eureka moment. He found the solution and got all working but never shared what he did!

    I was am really happy with my other OSD/Autopilots but they don't have telem. Wish 3DR was a bit more responsive too.

  •  The "Connect" button is not for connecting the radios.  They automatically connect, you can tell they are connected by a solid green light. (instead of flashing)


    The connect button is for connecting to the APM.  Likely your radios are working just fine.

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