3DR channels

Hi,I have developed a generic autopilot board and I am able to communicate with Mission Planner 1.2.50 using 3DR 433MHz Radio modules. I have a doubt regarding the '# of Channels' given in configuration in mission planner. Can someone please explain what is the significance of the number of channels?? In other RF modules like MRF24j40 there are options for selecting the channel for communication. But dont know how the channel selection is done in 3DR. I am new to the technical aspect of communication. Any explanation would be of great help :)

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  • Hi,

    Thanks Tridge :) I'll read frequency hopping method then. In 3DR settings it shows min freq as 433050 kHz and max as 434790 kHz. Then the difference is 1740kHz.So is it like if the number of channels is 10, then each channel will be having a width of 1740/10 =174kHz and the two 3DRs (one connected to board & another to GCS) switches among any of these 10 channels in sync and transmits mavlink packets??
  • Developer

    Hi Priya,

    The number of channels controls how many channels will be used for frequency hopping. This influences how many radios can simultaneously communicate in the same area, and also is a key factor in regulatory compliance. For example, to use a 900MHz ISM band in the US under a class license you must hop over 50 channels.

    The downside to more channels is that it takes longer for the radios to initially sync (find each other) when switched on or after they lose lock.

    Cheers, Tridge

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