3dr quad help!

Hello everyone,

let me start of by saying I'm a novice when it comes to this wonderful world of drones and flight based RC's, however I have been running RC cars for well over 10 years. I recently became the proud owner of a 3dr quad kit. After putting the quad together and getting ready to actually power it on, the transmitter I bought ( Futaba T10J w/ R3008SB) was not compatible with the current firmware of the pixhawk. After a bit of research, I found that the latest beta 3.2r2 was working with s-bus and was able to complete the RC calibration. Finally the big moment! I take it outside to make sure everything is functioning properly, the arming was successful and it got a gps lock. I gave it a little gas and it instantly flipped over. I disarmed it and restarted it, this time holding it down. I start moving the right stick around but it does not sound like any of the motors are slowing down. I tried moving the yaw, roll and pitch but none of the motors slowed down, only throttle and the flight control switch seemed to do anything. This morning I re-downloaded the firmware and went through the calibration process again, and still nothing. The only thing I did not do was re-calibrate the ESC's, which I will do when I get home. Any ideas on what could be causing this issue? Any help is greatly appreciated.

Thanks again, and happy flying!

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  • just in case anyone want to know, the problem was my laptop. i'm currently running kubuntu 14.04 and APM Planner 2.0.10, which was not flashing the pixhawk quite right. i switched over to a laptop running windows 8.1 and mission planner and re- flashed the pixhawk and my drone started working correctly :)

  • I performed another ESC calibration but that did not resolve the issue. any ideas?

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