Below is a response to a string of emails that I have had with 3DR Help over the past 4 days.
For the record this system is very cumbersome and I don’t think you will find to many people happy with it. As a matter of fact, it may drive them away. 1st off running on west cost time (from experience) frustrates the hell out of the rest of us. Three hours are wasted every day waiting for you guys to get in. Then its the morning meetings and so on. Typical it will be after 2:00 pm (east coast) before we even have a chance to talk to anyone. Now we play the email game because we can’t make a phone call anymore… I have literally email you back within minutes of you asking for questions and then it takes a full day for a response if we are lucky. Now I get return to sender emails even when I hit reply! This is not working to say the least. I can’t be any different then anyone else that has had trouble with their drone. Nobody wants to wait weeks to fly again. I am an old RC’er who purposely waited for this drone to be release because of its features. I have experience with local hobbies shops and within 20 minutes I can go and by replacement parts off the wall locally for other brands of drones. I am willing to sacrifices for a better product but there is a fine line where that willings goes away.