3DR Telemetery - GPS NMEA Messages


can i use 3DR Radios to transmit GPS NMEA Messages without the use of APM?

GPS UART>> 3DR TX    /\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\   3DR RX>> SERIAL OUT

can i use 3DR radios to accomplish this kind of operation? if yes, how would i set set it up to work?

Thanks in advance

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  • Just check each module power supply voltage.

    3DR radio modules are 3.7-6 volts, but 3DR GPS modules are 5V only.

    Other brands radios and GPS could be different. Some GPS modules are 3.3V


  • Yes, you can. Set radio wit UART speed equal to speed of GPS. Set air speed to value highier than that.

    Connect Tx from GPS to Rx from radio and vice versa. Connect grounds and power both units.

    Thats all.

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