3DR uBlox GPS location always ~50m south

I have purchased two 3DR uBlox GPS's, one standalone and one with a compass, and both are offering the exact same coordinates as each-other, every boot. The problem is they don't match all other GPS's and maps (Google Maps, Open Street Map, etc). The location they always output is just about 50 miles south of my actual position no matter where I am. They function perfectly normal in every other regard.

I'm trying to use these GPS modules without the APM mission planner software, just as serial GPS's for arduino. I've looked through all the settings in the uBlox datasheet and reconfigured the GPS's myself, they each respond when polled by saying they are using WGS84 (like my maps), and all other settings are normal. I can't find any reference to anything else that would shift the GPS points in the configuration files. 

I'm wondering if this is a known problem, and if it is being compensated for in the APM software. I've searched through the APM firmware but cannot find a compensation shift anywhere. The mission planner maybe? 

Is this a known problem? if it is, what is causing it? what is the exact fix?

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  • facing same problem  problem here. I have to set way point by using ch7 as a switch then and then i can make my predefined flight. In gcs, i can not set the way-point by taking reference of google map as it is shifted.

    if anybody can solve this problem then plz reply.

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