
I am using a 433 MHz 3DR Wireless Telemetry bought from Hobbyking.

I want to connect Erle Brain 3 and Mission Planner using the radios.

On following the instructions given in the link:

http://ardupilot.org/copter/docs/common-sik-telemetry-radio.html ,I am getting a problem now that both the radios are showing a solid green led. On pressing Connect on Mission Planner, there is a red led that blinked for very few seconds. Then after 30 seconds, a message was displayed that  "No Heartbeat Packets Received".

I have also tried by upload firmware(local) and also tried resetting and doing it again as suggested in a few forums.

Thanks. Please help at the earliest.


Trishant Roy 

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  • The rx tx connections are correct.
    I have ensured that the configurations in both radios are same.
  • You should have connecred Rx from radio to Tx on EB and vice versa.

    If you're upgrading ground module's firmware - you have also to connect air module to PC and upgrade it's firmware to the same version. And also check if both modules have the same configuration settings.

  • Rx Tx of which connection? Erle Brain 3 or Radio Connection?

    And how should I execute it? Please suggest.

    I have checked the baud rate. It is 57600 baud.


  • Try to swap two black wires next to red one.

    But first check baudrate.

  • Marcin Krawczyk said:

    Try to swap Rx-Tx lines, check baudrate (57k).

    Hello Marcin,

    How should I interchange them? 

    I have attached a picture of a radio and the connector.



  • Try to swap Rx-Tx lines, check baudrate (57k).

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