433MHz Diversity Tx/Rx Telemetry system?


I am just getting into the field of UAVs, telemetry, antennas etc. and the following came up:

Recently I had some trouble getting a stable signal with the Pixhawk 433MHz-Telemetry modules with the standard dipole antennas. Therefore I did some research about how range extension within the standard power of 10mW, including the Antenna Tracker - Thread above and the upcoming diversity receivers like Hobbyking Quanum Overlord:


I really like the concept, since there aren't any moving parts like on a tracker. Therefore I did some research about telemetry modules in the 433MHz-band that utilize that concept but wasn't able to find any.

That lead me to the questions:

Are there any systems in the 433MHz-band that utilize the concept of diversity receivers?
Do I overlook a physical reason why there aren't any such systems?

I really appreciate your advice.



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