
Ok I received the mq9 from nitroplanes as a gift not sure if this is best format for ardupilot. This thing has a 8 ft wingspan! Is this going to be a nightmare for my first ardupilot project ?any suggestions greatly appreciated thanks-

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  • Thanks for quick feedback, I think you're right ill pick up an easystar-saw one at local hobby shop- looking forward to project. Chris the podcast and site is great keep it up! Plan to contribute to project as soon as I get going.
  • 3D Robotics
    Not the best platform for your first AP project. Start with a cheap foam plane until you get used to it. Then you can think about installing it in a big balsa plane like the MQ9.
  • Admin
    Depends on how well it flies without any autopilots, how well it behaves in different wind conditions and your abilities...
    Any first project has number of pot holes in the way and therefore has learning curve to fanthom. Don't keep the expectations too high and you will be fine. Expect crash and loss of airframe 9 what ever is worth inside) and when it does, don't get hurt( pocket wise).. Good luck and keep us all updated with the project progress.
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