The Hyperblimp

I do not know if any of you have seen this UAV yet. It is called the hyper blimp. It is an outdoor blimp that is being marketed as a camera platform. There is also footage on the site that shows one that stopped responding to controls, drifted into downtown Salt Lake, UT, and caused a UFO scare. There is also another desin on there called the under water wing modeled after a pool toy.

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  • I've built over 650 of these. Presently (Aug 09) upgrading main website, See also, for offshoot project. Contact info there and in my profile here.
  • Here is a summary of and link to Daniel Geery's patent :

    Highly Maneuverable Powered Airship
    United States Patent Application 20050263642


    A highly maneuverable powered airship is
    disclosed. The powered airship may include
    an exterior shell having a front portion,
    a rear portion and a main axis, the
    exterior shell configured with an aspect
    ratio greater than or equal to 9:1. The
    powered airship may further include a
    motor powered by an energy source, the
    motor mounted to the rear portion of the
    exterior shell and configured for
    selectively providing thrust parallel to
    the main axis and in any direction up to
    90° relative to the main axis. A
    solar-assisted, electrically powered
    airship and propeller assembly are also

    Daniel Geery
    Salt Lake City, UT, US

    Publication Date:
    Filing Date:
    Highly maneuverable powered airship
    A highly maneuverable powered airship is disclosed. The powered airship may include an exterior shell having a front portion, a rear portion and a ma…
  • Wayne -

    The hyperblimp performance videos are pretty impressive. However, the videos and website provide little technical detail, and it is unclear from the website when they plan to start selling something.

    I have run across some interesting outdoor blimp designs that are similar to hyperblimp, but at least are documented. Here's one example -

    It's fairly clear that LTA (lighter than air) designs offer interesting possibilities for long operating time and mechanical simplicity (relative to other airframes).

    RC Groups - View Single Post - How do I power this 7 foot hyperblimp?
    RC Groups - the most active Radio Control model community: electric and fuel rc airplanes,rc helis,rc boats and rc cars. Features discussion forums,…
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